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The GIS Center’s Heroes

22 June 2020 | Dubai, UAE

In spite of the circumstances that Dubai’s emirate has experienced during the past period due to coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), the employees of the geographic information system’s center managed to accomplish various field tasks, which included field verification to 68 medical facilities and 289 Mosques. Furthermore, the geospatial mapping team was able to finish covering all the main streets in Dubai, through which the center aims to create a comprehensive and unified base-map of Dubai. In addition, the team was able to conduct aerial mapping for some areas by using drones. The following employees contributed towards these achievements: Ahmed Hassan Al-Shehhi- GIS Analyst, Murtada Galal Mohammed Soliman - Senior GIS Engineer, Abdullah Muhammad Mulla - Administrative Support, Hassan Al-Balushi - GIS Data Analyst, Saif Suleiman - GIS Technical Officer and Aref Abdul Rahman – GIS Senior Technical Officer.​
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